Liv(in) Sessions With Omonblanks #28 – Sisterhood

Film, Liv(in) Sessions / Oct. 13th, 2020

This conversation was between our founder Okhiogbe Omonblanks Omonhinmin, his partner Billie McTernan, her best friend Nykhil Emanuel-Stanford, her sister Kaia McTernan who is also one of Billie’s best friends and Claire Richardson, Kaia’s best friend. These four women all share a sisterhood of over 15 years.

We talked about family, navigating individual and collective friendships, the transitional point of a relationship moving from friends to sisters, blood sisters being best friends, bringing in your chosen sister into the family, the importance and safety of the sisterhood and the gifts of friendship,
They talked about being black women, motherhood, aunties, creating a safe space for kids and the gifts of family that you give to your kids, blood and adopted

Documented: 19th April 2020
Released On Instagram: 21st April 2020
Re-released: 13th October 2020

This is an ongoing series, watch out for more.

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